Saturday, February 6, 2010

Gladys has CopaCabana Random Thoughts

It’s Saturday and I missed Mrs. 4444’s Friday Fragments. Go link your Friday to her Friday. It was also Virtual Girls Night Out over at Ann Again and Again. Grab a drink, do a little dance, get down tonight, get down tonight…. Or should I say last night, last night…

Have you ever been in a public restroom sitting in the stall doing your business when you notice the shoes in the next stall look like they belong to someone of the opposite sex? Then panic sets in and you begin to fret that you have in your haste to relief yourself you have ventured into the wrong restroom. Yeah, me neither..


Have you ever been sitting at a red light looked over to see your fellow motorist digging for gold up his nose? Then you wonder how many people have seen you pick your nose. Well it’s like my brother always says, you can pick your friends and you can pick your nose but you can’t pick your friends nose. Well unless you are really CLOSE friends.

Oh and did I tell you it is also my niece Tooter’s Birthday.   I never picked her nose but I used to suck it out with one of those sucky thingies.  She hated that and would run screaming from mean Aunt Gladys with the nose sucker.  Thank God I don't have to do that to her anymore.  Happy Birthday Tooter! 

Lola  is on the left and the other lovely lady is Frenchie.
I went to Lola of the Cabana’s birthday party last night. Happy Birthday Lola.  Her name was Lola she was a Showgirl with yellow ribbons in her hair and a dress cut down to there... Anyway have you ever went to a party where you didn’t know anyone but when you leave you feel like you have known these people for years? Yes it was one of those parties.


I was in the Squalmart yesterday trying to return my paper shredder that stopped working, because who thinks she is Fawn Hall?  There was a man in line in front of me trying to return a bunch of women’s clothing. He was explaining to everyone in line ( hello do we really care why you are returning your wives clothes?) how nothing pleases his wife. He turns to me and says “Why are women so hard to please?” I looked at him and said “I’m not hard to please, I’m a very happy person.” He snorted and said “well I can’t do anything to please my wife”. I answered “maybe your picker is broke and you picked the wrong wife.” He blinked and then said “no, we have been together for eighteen years and have five kids.” I smiled and said “maybe HER picker is broke.” That is when all the women in line behind me began to applaud.

Bambi RX presents Happy Hour Friday. Now I have to tell you I don’t think I need any more happy hour after the Vodka Punch last night but hopefully I’m not too late for that too.
The calming essence of the ocean makes me happy
Babies in Overalls make me happy

Now go be good to one another and remember thoughts become things, think good ones.


rxBambi said...

Bahahahahaha! Her picker is broke - I love it! Happy Friday oh err Happy Saturday!

Jaime said...

when i see manly looking shoes in the restroom, i'm secretly worried that there are 2 people in the stall and i'm intruding on them getting it on.

i generally know i'm in the right restroom so that's the only explanation i can come up with...

RLM Cooper said...

Dear Gladys, I really really like you. :)

Suzy said...

Some of this post? T.M.I.

Anonymous said...

Going in bathroom stalls is against my glad I can stand up and pee.