We have been staying in San Francisco this week. The weather has been gorgeous but I haven’t seen one person wearing flowers in their hair. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Have you ever wondered why the thing you are hungry for is the one thing you don’t have in your pantry?
Okay to be honest I haven't had a Twinkie in a million years but for some reason I've been craving one for a week.
June over at Bye Bye Pie is going to a dinner party whose theme is cravings. You know what I craved when I was pregnant? I craved mashed potatoes with cheese and black jelly beans. What do you crave?
Kahuna and I ate at Andersons Pea Soup restaurant the other night. I do not like green peas. There are only a couple of things that I will not eat and green peas are right up there with liver. He ordered the green pea soup and offered me a taste. I wrinkled up my nose and refused. Then in the spirit of adventure I decided to take a taste. It was good. No really it was delicious. I guess your taste buds change as you get old.
I must be hungry because all I've talked about is food.
It's Happy Hour Friday.Here are some things that make me happy.
Cars with fins.
Days like this
Do you think the workmen who made this light house light had
any idea how beautiful it is?
Being serenaded.
Be the love you wish to see in the world.
Now go on and be good to one another and remember thoughts become things, think good ones.
Happy Friday! You made me smile!
Great pictures....
your post made me hungry! twinkies never looked so good
have a great weekend!
I craved chocolate pop tarts (no surprise here) and cream of wheat (what was that about?) when preggos.
Surprisingly, for someone who doesn't like peas, I love green and yellow pea soup.
I'm late for VGNO
Have a great Mothers Day!
Sounds great, Gladys! Our little trip to Half Moon Bay resulted in frequenting a restaurant with high prices and not very good food. Next time we will try another, old favorite.
I crave a good old-fashioned banana puddin' like mother used to make. :)
Gladys, I HATE peas - but I love ham and split pea soup.
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