Friday, May 1, 2009

Random Thoughts by Gladys - May Day

It's Friday Fragments over at Half Past Kissing Time and I thought I would throw down some of mine.

Anne Again and Again is having another Virtual Girls Night Out.

She asks if you ever made a dish for a pot luck that well was more pot than luck? Well since I have been known to cook and odd dish or two yes this happened.
#1 FAIL - I made a Vietnamese Fish Stew. It had fish heads in it.
#2 FAIL - I made a salad that I loved. Pink grapefruit, Vadilla onions sliced thin, and Avacado.

Now for my Random Ramblings....

May Day, May Day, May Day. No I’m not in trouble it’s just May Day. The first of May.

  • Not that kind of May Day.

    • Why when people are joking do they say “I’m just Joshing”? Who is Josh and is he really funny?
    Why is it when the electricity goes out do we go and flip on the light switch expecting there to be light? There is no electricity.
    I wrote a story called
Divorce Court last summer and posted it here on this blog last fall. Last Thursday night I was watching the new NBC show Southland and guess what? Yeah they totally stole my story. I am sure they took it from me. I mean no one else knew that story. I sat last night watching intently to see if they had a scene where a suspect ran out the back door to be hit in the head by a 2 X 4 then I was going to call my attorney over at Stealum, Robem and Screwum.

It is almost beach season. I’m contemplating having a tattoo that reads “I am NOT a Whale. DO NOT PULL ME INTO THE WATER” You know just in case. Me and Kirsti Alley

Why is it when you are trying to read the instructions or directions on how to put something together does a crowd gather? They don’t just gather they stand around tell you how to do it even though they have never done it before either.


Anonymous said...

I love this. You have given me my laugh of the day. Have a great May day and a great weekend. Stoppin in early from the VGNO

Unknown said...

Great!! You are too funny Happy VGNO

Lagean Ellis said...


Happy VGNO and Happy May Day!

Elizabeth D. said...

The Viagra picture totally cracked me up! Happy VGNO!

Mandala Michelle said...

Thanks for the laughs! Happy VGNO!

Beth said...

You just filled my May Day with some good chuckles. Love the whale one!

Anonymous said...

That was funny! TFS

Happy VGNO

Tamis Marks said...

I think it is safe to say fish heads and potluck...not a good mix. Your other salad sounds like something I would gobble up though!

I am one of your new followers because you look to be a woman that can make me laugh!

Happy VGNO!

lagirl said...

Fish heads?
YUK! You should have known better. Did you hate the people you were cooking for? Blah!!

Whale? LOL
If you Jenny Craig is not there when you call, you might try calling Jerry Springer. LOL

Great, funny, BLOG!!

Mary K Brennan said...

Love the light switch. Have a great VGNO!

MediMonsters said...

Too funny!! Love the lightswitch. LOL

Happy VGNO

Kat said...

Fish stew huh? Hmmm.

Happy VGNO!!

Opus #6 said...

You have got a really great sense of humor. I love the fish heads, lol. And the whale part. Ha ha ha! Happy VGNO. Ooo, and the Viagra!

Kaza said...

Happy VGNO! Love the light switch.

MommaD said...

you made me full on belly laugh! visting for vgno!

Anonymous said...

Funny! I hope you have a wonderful VGNO!

Debbie said...

I can always count on you for a laugh and to lift my spirits!

annies home said...

thanks for the great laugh

Anonymous said...

Very fun post!! Enjoying VGNO!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Oh that is hilarious! Thanks for the laugh, it's needed! ;)

Happy VGNO! :)

Girly Stuff said...

Yes...Kirstie looks like she is having a good time in the water there.

Did you see her on Oprah? Who is she trying to fool with her "creative differences" concerning why she left Jenny Craig. Just say you were sick of the food and you wanted more money.

And I always have an audience when I pull out the instructions. They spend the whole time trying to get you to not read the instructions with their "just do this and that" stuff.

Mrs4444 said...

You are so funny, Gladys. Thanks for sharing your gift.

That potluck thing? There is a dish I make that is kind of scary looking (black beans, edamame, avocado, corn, etc.) and is fantastic, but a lot of people are too afraid to try it. I don't care; I make it anyway, because I know the leftovers are even better the next day AND the day after that! :)