I decided that I want you to get to know Trooper Bob a little bit better. So next Thursday I will have a segment that will be called ASK Trooper Bob and he will answer your hardest questions.

You all have been stopped by that officer and your sitting on the side of the road registration in hand and you are too mad, meek, embarrassed or confused to ask the REAL Questions. You know like boxers or briefs and grape jelly or bananas on your peanut butter sandwhich. The really riveting questions.

So ask your questions here or send them to my email and I'll get them to Trooper Bob. I'll have him answer them and then I will Post YOUR questions with TB's answers. No question is too stupid no query to trival. Now throw me your best.
I want to know if Trooper Bob ever stopped someone for speeding and the offender used the old, "I have diarrhea and was trying to get home before I sh*t my pants" excuse.
I have always wondered if that would get you out of a speeding ticket.
I wonder if turning on the tears ever works or if it just ticks Trooper Bob off.
I have two questions for TB.
Does he hand out more tickets on days that he's had a quarrel with the wife?
Does he have a quota to meet for the day/week/month, etc.
The previous "anoymous" post was ME, lagirl.
Darn! Hit the wrong key!
Did you ever have a close call? What did that feel like?
Terri - It worked for my Mom! LOL
Trooper Bob - What's the grace speed in a 65mph area? Say, if the driver's doing 72, do you let them pass on and only race after the 75, 78, 80+ mph folks?
What was the funniest traffic stop you ever had?
Questions for Trooper Bob:
1. What cannot be seen, cannot be felt, cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
2. Who is cooler - me or my brother?
3. Who will win Super Bowl XLIII?
4. Why should you never mention the number 288 in front of anyone?
Thanks Bob!
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