As part of my normal random thoughts I thought I would also add some random conversations I overheard this week. Oh stop looking at me like that. You do it too. Sitting in a restaurant, shopping, at the grocery and even in the salon you listen to other people's conversations. I often end up places alone and ultimately there is nothing better for me to do than people watch and well of course eavesdrop.

Overheard at the grocery from a woman on her cell phone:
I know mother but if we don't get him fixed he will continue to hump everything in sight. No he didn't get that new job but I have high hopes.
Maybe he would get that new job if he quit humping all of his potential employers. Or maybe just maybe he would get a better position if he continues humping everything in site. (pun intended)

Overheard on the beach:
My grandmother came in the room right after I had gotten out of the shower. She was telling me how beautiful I was then she said I was so beautiful that she wanted to take a picture of me. So there I stood with wet hair and in a bath towel smiling waiting for Grandma to snap away so I could finish getting dressed. Then she looked at me and said "drop the towel"

Wow Grandma, I didn't know you were into pimping out your granddaughter.
Overheard on the beach:
All week long men have been stopping me on the beach and the street telling me I should be in movies. They all think I should be a movie star.
This is from the same girl whose grandma wanted her to drop the towel. Maybe it's that huge playboy bunny tramp stamp tattoo across your butt cap that they want to see on the big screen.

Did you hear about the Governator? Yeah read this.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has warned lawmakers they need to act boldly and make some tough budget choices, sent Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg a metal sculpture of bull testicles.

Why do men who are going bald think if they comb the three hairs they have left over their bald spot it looks better than just being bald?

And, why is it those same people get pissed if you are in front of them and drive the maximum speed allowed by law?
Now for today's adult beverage recipe…
1oz coconut rum
½ oz amaretto almond liqueur
4 oz orange juice
½ oz grenadine syrup
Shake rum, amaretto and orange juice in a shaker filled with ice. Strain into a highball glass over ice. Add grenadine and garnish with a pineapple wedge and a strawberry.
Let’s not forget that today is Friday Fragments over at Mrs. 4444’s Half Past Kissing Time. Go on over and check her out.
Also and too today is VGNO (virtual girl’s night out) over at Ann Again and Again… Put your party shoes on and join in the fun. Oh and she has a contest going on for some really nice body care products.
Don’t forget Sunday is Daddy’s Day. What are you doing for your Father? Go give your Daddy lots of love.
Oh Yeah and don't forget to go over to Bogluxe and vote for your favorite funny blogger. Um...that would be me right?
Hey thanks for the recipe. Now I'm going to have to go and try it out...
Staci - I forgot to tell you the name of it... A WOODY.
happy VGNO!..
the title of this post sure is an attention grabber!
haha that is too funny, the girl with the tramp stamp, I would have followed her around all day
I loved each one of these...thank you so much for the laughs. Happy VGNO!
AHAHAHAHA! Loved it, Gladys! Now to fine tune my eavesdropping skills for some good blog fodder...(GRIN!)
Happy VGNO! :)
ROFL at the Woody!! Had to chuckle at the things you over heard and the comments to follow. Happy VGNO!
Happy VGNO! I am having a mini kegger over at Our Simple Life too. But minus the alcohol. ;)
I really enjoyed your eavesdropping. That was just what I needed to put a smile on my face.
Love your stories!
Happy VGNO
Stopping by for VGNO! Hope you have a great weekend.
Love the woodys!! Happy VGNO
FINALLY made it to your Fragments, and you do not disappoint. Loved the overheard conversations; taken out of context, they can really be entertaining!
You sure had woody's on the mind on Friday, Gladys. Something you want to tell us??
I'm not sure, but I'm thinking that girl probably did drop her towel...
Delightful blog, my dear! Still making the rounds from VGNO... my first!
I've subscribed, and am looking forward to more!
Still playing catchup from VGNO. Hopeyou have a great weekend.
Stopping by for a very late VGNO. Hope you had a great weekend.
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