Today is Father’s day. I have to say I have a great father. He is funny and interesting as you have witnessed in my Trooper Bob series of stories. He is also pretty pragmatic. I can remember coming home all in a snit and him listening to my drama of the day. He would look at me with his piercing blue eyes, his mouth would curl up into a smile and he would say “Baby girl, what difference does it make? Just let it go.”

One day Trooper Bob offered for Matilda to drive the tractor for real. She was so excited she hopped up on the step and promptly grabbed the stack. That would be the exhaust stack, the hot exhaust stack. Matilda let out a blood curdling scream as she yanked her hand off the flesh cooking piece of metal. Captain Obvious ran over to Matilda and said “don’t touch that it’s hot”! Thank you Captain, she would not have known that if you hadn’t told her. Then to pour salt on then would he say “man you moved fast. It didn’t take you long to look at that.”

So as spawn of Captain Obvious I would just like to state the obvious, I love my daddy. So here is my message to my daddy:
An unmistakable trait of every true genius is their persistent awareness of how much more there is to know. And an unmistakable trait of every true sage is their persistent awareness of how much more there is to love.
Loving you more today than yesterday, Thank you for being my daddy.
An unmistakable trait of every true genius is their persistent awareness of how much more there is to know. And an unmistakable trait of every true sage is their persistent awareness of how much more there is to love.
Loving you more today than yesterday, Thank you for being my daddy.
Awesome. This was a terrific post, Gladys. Your dad's funny.
Great photos!
Why do parents always tell us to let things go? Is it because they don't know "the answer"?
Very nice/ keep it real tribute for fathers day!!! Excellent.
I love your profile that says you know everything going on in the neighborhood!!! THAT"S ME!!!
I think it's obvious. You have one of the best daddies in the world.
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