I have said before that I love to read. I love all types of books from nonfiction to science fiction. I just love a good story. Well recently I read a couple of books that are pretty much what you would call “chick” books. I know it is a lot like going to a chick flick either you love them sappy or you don’t. I have to tell you neither of these books was sappy.
The first book I read was “Deep Dish” by Mary Kay Andrews. It is a cute story about a couple competing in a cooking competition and well you just need to read it to find out what happens. I must admit I have read every book that M.K. has written and I feel like we are old friends. Her books are based in the south and bring to mind the sights, smells and sounds of her roots. I strongly recommend all of her books beginning with “Savanah Blues” and working right through “Hissy Fit”, but I have to admit so far “Deep Dish” has been my favorite.

I then moved on to another of my favorite authors, Deanna Raybourn. She has written a series of books on the Lady Julia Grey. The series begins with “Silent in the Grave” that flows into “Silent in the Sanctuary” and which brings us into her latest release “Silent on the Moor”.

I am now on to a more manly type story in Stuart Woods’ latest Stone Barrington novel. I again have read all of them in the series and was pleased when I saw the latest “Hot Mahogany” in paperback. Stone Barrington is a New York attorney who does the dirty work for a big name firm. He and his best friend a NYPD detective get themselves in many interesting predicaments. I am anxious to see how he pulls himself out of his next tight spot. Think James Bond meets Dirk Pit. He is a witty and prolific story teller.

Now if you will excuse me I have some beach sitting and reading to do. I don’t care that it’s only 58 degrees and it’s cloudy. I came to the beach to read and that’s what I’m going to do damn it!
Oh and I have crummy reception on the beach so there will be little to no internet surfing only the old fashion kind. You know hanging 10 or in my case 20 because I am usually hanging on with my toes and my fingers.
I have not read
“Deep Dish” by Mary Kay Andrews, but I will now. I too have read all her books. I saw my copies at my mom's and thought I may bring them home to read again. I didn't.
I've been looking for somebody new to read, I think I'll five MK a try. I am partial to southern authors!
How did you know that I'm looking for some good books to read?
I would rather read than eat (don't pay any attention to my waistline. It's layers of clothes... yep, right)
I have an Amazon gift voucher just itching to be used, so I'm going shopping!
Thanks for the tips!
I so LOVE Mary Kay Andrews. I'm not much of a reader but I enjoy audiobooks. I'll have to see if her newest is out yet. I loved the others!! Show me a GRITS that doesn't like MKA and I'll show you a phoney! (maybe) LOL
You all will not be disappointed with her latest dish. I too love MK. She is working on another book and had just put one to bed. I'm almost as addicted to her as I am to Janet Evanovich's Stephani Plum series.
Only 58? Even we have mid 80s here in Portland. Enjoy the time!
I'm glad you are back in civilization!
I'll have to check out your picks!
if you haven't yet read any novels by Lee Child, run out and buy them all. The first is still my favorite....I just read it again. They are all based on this character, Jack Reacher. Retired from the military and just a drifter, but he gets involved in murder and mystery everywhere he goes. And he is tough as nails. So when you hit the book store look for "The Killing Floor" by Lee Child. You won't be able to put it down.
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